Friday, May 20, 2011

Fixing Sprint MMS problem

I was unable to send or receive MMS messages since I got my EVO 4G last year. I didn't spend too much time resolving this issue because I didn't use MMS that often. I only sent picture via email. Anyway, today, I came across an old thread at Android Forms and member Packdog posted a simple solution to fix the MMS problem. I gave it a quick try and it worked! Thanks Packdog.

Steps to fix the MMS issue by updating the APN settings:
  1. Download APN Backup & Restore app from Market.
  2. Open the app and click Backup APNs button.
  3. Your APN settings should be exported to a xml file in /sdcard/ApnBackupRestore folder.
  4. Make a backup of the xml file.
  5. Modify the xml file to match the following settings
  6. Open the APN Backup & Restore app again but this time click Restore APNs. Pick the xml file that you just modified.
  7. Reboot your phone.
  8. DONE!

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<apns count="1">
  <apn name="Production" numeric="00000" mcc="000" mnc="00" apn="1" user="null" server="null" password="null" proxy="null" port="null" mmsproxy="null" mmsport="null" mmsprotocol="2.0" mmsc="" type="mms" />

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